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OpenDAN: Your Personal AI OS

1 min


Your Personal AI OS


OpendAN Personal AI OS is an open-source project that aims to provide a runtime environment for various AI modules and applications. It allows users to easily install and use different AI models and apps, as well as to train their own personal AI agents using their private data. OpendAN also offers a strict privacy protection and management system, an open AI app marketplace, and a built-in AI butler assistant


Hardware-specific optimization

Make the most of your device's capabilities to run open-source AI applications locally without lagging.

Open AI App Marketplace

Simplify the installation and usage of different AI applications with a single click, enabling users to conveniently access and control AI apps.

Open AI Model Solution

Create a single interface for finding, downloading, and securing models, so that users can easily locate and apply models that fit their requirements.

Strict Privacy Protection and Management

Control personal data access for AI apps. Data includes family albums, chat and social media records.

Integrated Tools

Let users create voice, Lora, knowledge models with personal data.

AI Butler Assistant

Using natural language interaction, the AI assistant accomplishes tasks with a large language model, a neural network with many parameters trained on huge amounts of text.

Development Framework

OpenDAN offers a development framework that allows developers to customize AI assistants for specific purposes and create unique AI applications for users.

Features Coming Soon

project initialization:

– Basic code for operating system image packaging script
– OpenDAN website homepage

OpenDAN Prototype Version

– AI butler assistant driven by GPT-3.5 or GPT-4.0
– Integration of Stable Diffusion
– Integration of TTS (Text-to-Speech)
– Integration of Telegram Chatbot as an interaction entrance

OpenDAN 1.0

– AI butler assistant’s large language model core switched to a locally running open-source model
– Offer more AI applications through AI App Marketplace
– Provide an AI application development framework to support the community in integrating more AI applications
– Provide a model management framework

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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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