
OpenChat: Create, Run, and share your own ChatBot

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Create, Run, and share your own ChatBot

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OpenChat is a chatbot console that lets you easily use large language models for everyday conversations. It helps you overcome the complexity of installing and running these models by offering a simple two-step setup. You can create and manage multiple chatbots with different customizations using OpenChat.

What You Can Do with OpenChat

✔️Build as many local chatbots as you want using GPT-3 (and GPT-4 if available).

✔️Make your chatbots unique by adding PDF files, websites, and soon, integrations with platforms like Notion, Confluence, and Office 365.

✔️Interact smoothly with large files such as a 400-page PDF with each chatbot’s unlimited memory capacity.

✔️Place chatbots as widgets on your website or internal company tools.

✔️Leverage your entire codebase as a data source for your chatbots (pair programming mode).

Getting Started with OpenChat

  • To start, clone this GitHub repo:
git clone
  • Update the common.env file with your keys:
OPENAI_API_KEY=# you can get it from your account in
PINECONE_API_KEY=# you can get from "API Keys" tab in pinecone
PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT=# you can get it after creating your index in pinecone
PINECONE_INDEX_NAME=# you can get it after creating your index in pinecone

When using pincone db, ensure that the dimension matches 1536.

  • Go to the repository directory and run this command:
make install

OpenChat installation may encounter some difficulties on Windows systems. The OpenChat team is actively resolving this issue.

The OpenChat console will be available at: http://localhost:8000 after the installation finishes.

Features Coming Soon

  • Support Slack integration
  •  Support Intercom integration
  •  Support offline open-source models (e.g., Alpaca, LLM drivers)
  •  Support Vertex AI and Palm as LLMs
  •  Support Confluence, Notion, Office 365, and Google Workspace
  •  Refactor the codebase to be API ready
  •  Create a new UI designer for website-embedded chatbots
  •  Support custom input fields for chatbots
  •  Support pre-defined messages with a single click
  •  Support offline usage: this is a major feature, OpenChat will operate fully offline with no internet connection at this stage (offline LLMs, offline Vector DBs)

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