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From Silicon Valley to Tokyo: OpenAI Journey into Asia

1 min

OpenAI has taken a significant step in its global expansion by establishing its first office in Asia, located in Tokyo, Japan. This strategic move is not just a testament to Tokyo’s leadership in technology and innovation, but also a commitment to developing AI tools tailored to the unique needs of the Japanese market.

A New Chapter in Tokyo

The choice of Tokyo for OpenAI’s Asian office reflects the city’s reputation as a hub for technology and a culture that values service and embraces innovation. OpenAI’s presence in Tokyo is expected to foster collaboration with the Japanese government, local businesses, and research institutions.

Leadership and Integration

To ensure successful integration into the local community, Tadao Nagasaki has been appointed as the President of OpenAI Japan. His leadership will be crucial in driving commercial and market engagement efforts and building a team to advance various functions such as Global Affairs and Operations.

GPT-4 Custom Model for Japan

In a move that showcases OpenAI’s dedication to the region, a GPT-4 custom model optimized for the Japanese language has been introduced. This model boasts improved translation and summarization capabilities for Japanese text, offering cost-effective solutions and operating at speeds up to three times faster than its predecessor.

Impact on Local Businesses and Government

OpenAI’s GPT-4 is already making waves in Japan, with leading businesses like Daikin, Rakuten, and TOYOTA Connected using ChatGPT Enterprise to solve complex business processes. Local governments, including Yokosuka City, are using the technology to enhance public service efficiency, with a reported 80% increase in productivity among city employees.

Addressing Societal Challenges

The Japanese government’s role as a key voice in AI policy is highlighted by its chairing of the G7 Hiroshima AI Process. OpenAI aims to contribute to the local ecosystem and explore how AI can assist in addressing societal challenges such as rural depopulation and labor shortages.

Global Presence and Diverse Perspectives

OpenAI’s expansion into Japan is part of its broader mission to learn from diverse perspectives worldwide. This aligns with the organization’s goal to ensure that AGI benefits all of humanity.

Joining OpenAI Japan

As OpenAI Japan begins its journey, the organization is on the lookout for individuals who share its vision. Interested candidates are encouraged to explore open positions on the Careers page.

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