
JobHunnt: AI Job Application Assistant, Resume Builder and more

1 min


AI Job Application Assistant

Jobhunnt AI

JobHunnt is an AI job assistant that helps job seekers find and apply for jobs faster and easier. The job application platform lets you manage your job applications from one dashboard, create a resume with our templates, and generate cover letters with our AI.

You can easily customize your resume with JobHunnt’s intuitive interface and get instant feedback and suggestions to improve your content. JobHunnt analyzes your resume and provides insights on how to align it with industry standards and best practices.


Job Management Dashboard

You can use JobHunnt dashboard to organize and track your job applications in one place. The dashboard is intuitive and easy to use, helping you to manage your job applications and deadlines efficiently.

Cover Letter Generator

JobHunnt creates personalized cover letters for each job application based on the job description and your resume. JobHunnt AI algorithm matches the job requirements and your skills to craft a unique cover letter that impresses employers.

Resume Builder

JobHunnt designs custom resumes for you based on your information in different themes. You can select from various templates and themes to produce a professional and attractive resume that highlights your skills and experience.

PDF Export

JobHunnt enables you to export your cover letters and resumes in PDF format, making it convenient to send your documents to potential employers.


All plans include:

✅ Generate the perfect resume with AI-written bullet points that highlight your skills and achievements

✅ Generate unlimited cover letters with AI-written paragraphs that match your resume and the job description

✅ Track an unlimited number of jobs and get notified when your application status changes

✅ Build unlimited resumes and cover letters with different templates and colors to suit your personal style

✅ Unlimited PDF export for resumes and cover letters that are ready to print or email

Jobhunnt AI Pricing

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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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