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Machine Learning Engineer

Gauntlet is doing some exciting work in the DeFi space, leveraging machine learning to optimize protocols and manage risk. The role you’re hiring for seems to be a critical one, requiring a blend of technical skills, industry knowledge, and the ability to work collaboratively in a remote-first environment.


The responsibilities of the Machine Learning Engineer role include creating ML models to optimize DeFi protocols, contributing to the core ML infrastructure, and building data models and visualizations. The qualifications include 5+ years of professional engineering experience, proficiency in Python or similar languages, experience with scientific computing packages, and experience deploying and tuning ML models in a production setting.
The benefits and perks are quite comprehensive, including remote work, company retreats, full coverage of medical, dental, and vision premiums, a generous WFH stipend, fitness and internet reimbursements, unlimited vacation, parental leave, fertility benefits, and the opportunity for incentive compensation.


The pay range for this role is $150,000 – $180,000 base plus additional On Target Earnings potential by level and equity in the company. The final pay rate will be determined based on qualifications, experience level, skill set, and internal equity considerations. At this time, Gauntlet is only hiring potential employees who can work within the contiguous United States and Canada.

To apply for this job please visit

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