Dola AI

Dola AI Calendar Chat: Your Assistant for Productivity

1 min

Doula AI

Doula AI Calendar Chat: Your Personal Assistant for Productivity

Dola AI

Do you want to chat with your calendar? Meet Dola AI, the smart assistant that helps you plan your events with ease. Dola AI works on your favorite messaging apps, like WhatsApp, iMessage, WeChat, and more. Just connect your Google Calendar account and start talking to Dola AI. You can ask Dola AI to create, edit, delete, and find events using natural language. Dola AI will also keep you updated on your schedule on both your messaging app and Google Calendar.


Natural Language friendly

Dola is a smart AI assistant that can handle your calendar events with natural language.


You can add, edit, cancel, or check your events with simple commands or queries.

Complex tasks handler

Dola AI can process complex requests, such as adding multiple events at once or reasoning about time.

All types of inputs

Dola can also understand voice, images, and text messages, making it easy to communicate with it.

Smart reminder

Dola AI will send you reminders when you need them and help you stay on track with your schedule.

Group Chat

Dola AI can also join your group chats and update the group calendar with any changes from anyone.

Use Doula AI in Common Apps

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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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