AI-Powered Devices

Latest AI-Powered Devices (Updated)

2 min

The world of technology is constantly evolving, and AI-powered devices are at the forefront of this innovation. As we step into a new era, let’s take a closer look at some of the latest gadgets that are set to redefine our interaction with technology.

Humane AI Pin

Priced at $699, the Humane AI Pin is not just a wearable; it’s a revolution in personal assistance. This sleek device promises to blend seamlessly into your daily life, providing intelligent support whenever you need it.

Rabbit R1

The Rabbit R1, available for $199, is the perfect example of how AI can be accessible to everyone. It’s designed to offer reliable assistance without breaking the bank, making it an ideal choice for those looking to step into the world of AI without a hefty investment.

Open Interpreter 01 Light

At just $99, the Open Interpreter 01 Light is a testament to the open-source community’s commitment to AI. This device aims to break down language barriers, offering real-time translation services that are both accurate and instantaneous.


Similarly priced at $99 and open-sourced, Compass is not just a device; it’s a movement. It represents the collective effort of developers around the world to contribute to a device that can guide you through your day with ease.


Friend is an open-source AI wearable device designed to record everything you say, provide proactive feedback and advice, and operate for over 24 hours on a single charge. Here are some of its key features:

  • Real-Time AI Audio Processing: It can perform on-device AI for real-time audio analysis.
  • Low-powered Bluetooth: The device can capture audio continuously for more than 24 hours using a small button battery.
  • Open-Source Software: Users can access and contribute to the software stack, which is built for openness and community collaboration.
  • Wearable Design: Friend boasts an ergonomic and lightweight design, making it suitable for daily wear.

The project includes two different applications in separate branches and folders, to merge them into a single comprehensive project. Additionally, it provides a hardware buying guide, instructions for getting started, and information on how to contribute to the project. The device is available under dual licensing options: GPL for open-source projects and a commercial license for closed-source use.

The Future of AI-Powered Wearable Devices

As we look forward to the rest of the year, it’s clear that these devices are just the beginning. The integration of AI into our daily wearables and personal assistants is a trend that’s gaining momentum, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to explore the exciting world of AI-powered wearable devices and other AI technology!

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