
What is Genie AI?

Genie AI is a platform that helps you deal with legal documents in a fast and easy way. You can use Genie AI to analyze, customize and negotiate any kind of contract with the help of artificial intelligence. Genie AI uses GPT-4 and its own specialized language models that have learned from over 100,000 legal documents to provide you with accurate and relevant suggestions. Whether you are a lawyer, a business owner, or a consumer, Genie AI can help you save time and money while protecting your legal rights and interests.

Genie AI

✅ Get access to more than 3000 legal templates that are updated regularly
✅ Use over 500 clauses from our contextual clause library to tailor your documents
✅ Upload and download complex .docx documents without losing formatting
✅ Edit your legal contracts with our state of the art editor
✅ Collaborate on documents in real-time with your team and counterparties
✅ Customise your documents with AI-assistance that suggests relevant clauses and terms
✅ Review your documents with AI assistance that flags potential issues and risks
✅ Comment and reply on documents with AI, your team, and counterparties
✅ Manage complex deals with our project management features
✅ Set user and counterparty permissions for each document and clause
✅ Track contract review progress with clause-by-clause approval
✅ Hide and share documents securely with our privacy-first design

What Can Genie AI Do?

With Genie AI tool, you can easily analyze any contract and get useful insights. You can:

✔️ Identify the risk level of each section and clause
✔️ Simplify complex legal language into plain English
✔️ Compare different clauses and see their pros and cons
✔️ Propose changes and track them with comments
✔️ Spot any definitions that are not used in the contract
✔️ Summarise your main duties and rights under the contract
✔️ And much more…!

Additional Details

  • Developer:Genie AI Ltd
  • Pricing Options: Freemium
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    Additional Details

    • Developer:Genie AI Ltd
    • Pricing Options: Freemium
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