Kickresume (1/10)


Kickresume has a variety of templates to choose from, depending on the industry and the position you are applying for. The templates are professional, modern and eye-catching.
- The app has an AI writer that helps you write your resume and cover letter based on your skills, achievements and goals. It also gives you suggestions on how to improve your wording, grammar and spelling.
- Kickresume has a resume analysis tool that gives you feedback on how to optimize your resume for the job market. It tells you how to avoid common mistakes, how to use keywords and how to showcase your value.
- The app has a personal website feature that lets you create a landing page for your resume and cover letter. You can share it with potential employers or recruiters via a unique URL.

Overall, I think Kickresume is a great app for anyone who wants to create a resume and a cover letter that stand out from the crowd. It saves you time and effort, and helps you showcase your skills and personality in a professional way.

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